Cut Out + Keep

Santa's Butt

He's stuck! • Posted by Minimax

Something funny to use as decoration.

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Project Budget


1 h 15


Medium p1000282 Medium p1000283


Something funny to use as decoration.


  1. Small p1000267

    Start by cutting a square out of some rolled out, black polymer clay.

  2. Small p1000269

    Make a ball of red clay and flatten one side. This will be the butt. Add to your black square.

  3. Small p1000271

    Make two even sausages of red clay...

  4. Small p1000272

    ...and add "trimming". You can texturize your clay with a toothpick or some crumpled up aluminum foil.

  5. Small p1000276

    Add to the rest and place some "snow" around the black square. Texturize the same way you did the trimming.

  6. Small p1000277

    Now you need two bean shaped pieces of clay for the shoes.

  7. Small p1000278

    Use a knife or some other flat tool to shape the sole.

  8. Small p1000280

    Add to the rest and you're done! After all this, I glued it to a box made to look like chimney.