Cut Out + Keep

Samara Takes Care Of My Makeup :D

Sew a cute villain to store your makeup and bathroom things. • Posted by Anna H.

Hi, that is Samara. She will protect your stuff from other people, because no one will dare to touch her :D At least that's my point. You get paranoid when you brush your teeth, something stares at you in the backround and you can see it through the mirror.... Whatever, wanted to share it :D

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1 h 30


Medium img 4484 1315929678 Medium img 4487 1315929685


Hi, that is Samara. She will protect your stuff from other people, because no one will dare to touch her :D At least that's my point. You get paranoid when you brush your teeth, something stares at you in the backround and you can see it through the mirror.... Whatever, wanted to share it :D


  1. Small 413ghluizgl  sx342  1315928846

    My main idea was to sew a bag like this one. It's from a shop I don't know anymore... Mine has no arms and button eyes.

  2. First I constructed a pattern for main body (belly), head and legs. Transfer them to fabric and cut them out.

  3. Cut a line for the zipper. it's kinda complicated to attach a zipper... It would take too long to explain it. Doing it without a zipper will work, too. But first my bag was planned to get outside on the streets with me, so I considered the zipper as being neccessary.

  4. Sew the pieces together and stuff head and legs. Not the belly!

  5. Small klein 1315929381

    Add big buttons as eyes. Mouth is hand-sewn too, I used embroidery thread.

  6. Hang it into your bathroom and embellish it with clip-in hair extensions :D