Safety Pin Rhinestone Earrings

Don't Buy DIY: Tom Binns Safety Pin Rhinestone Earrings

Posted by carlyjcais


Tom Binns is one haute designer who's been refashioning the way we look at "precious jewelry." Pieces from his safety pin collection from last year popped up in just about every fashion mag on the planet...leading me to DIY my own.

Here's my version (sorry there's no photos for each step:-(


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Rhinestone Chain(med size rhinestones) (you can scavenge this from a piece of jewelry you already have, or something found at a thrift store, Forever21, or even by the yard from Joann Fabrics)
  • silvertone Eye Pin(s)
  • Pearl(s) (faux, of course!)
  • med-size or small-sized Safety Pins (I used black)
  • oversized Rhinestone(s) post earrings with drops below them (scavenged from an ugly pair of F21 earrings)...I know, the original earrings use french hooks, but I wanted a more glitzy, drippy effect to mine
  • silvertone Jump Ring(s)

Steps (7 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Remove the dangly earring part from your rhinestone earring posts, since we'll only be using the top.

  2. 2

    Cut each of your rhinestone chains in half.

  3. 3

    Pair up one med rhinestone chain length and one small. Thread halfway through a silver jumpring, and attach the jumpring to the earring post drop loop. Each chain will sort of dribble on either side of the jumpring as your earring dangles.

  4. 4

    Using pliers, thread an eyepin through a pearl, cut, bend and loop around the end so the pearl is suspended between two loops. Repeat for each pearl.

  5. 5

    Using small jumprings, connect the pearl eyepin loops you just made, creating a teardrop shape.

  6. 6

    Attach teardrop of pearls to main jumpring from Step #3.

  7. 7

    Randomly pin safety pins throughout the cascade of pearls and rhinestone chain, making sure that the pins will prevent the rhinestone chains from slithering up through the large main jumpring and falling out of your earring.

    As you can see, my earrings a bit heavy, so I'll probably switch out the backs to the comfort acrylic backs that have a larger pad to prevent the whole thing ripping from my earlobe because of the huge weight of them. I also haven't snipped off the ends of the rhinestone chain where the connector loops were - I'm that lazy!

    I feel like a punky Russian princess! Thank you Mr. Binns for such great inspiration!

    Happy DIY'ing!