Cute bracelets
Again, this is one of them many things that I have always wanted to make. The first one is done with seed beads on small safety pins and the second with pony beads with slightly bigger pins.
Southern Crafter favorited Safety Pin Bracelets 02 Nov 23:29
George S. favorited Safety Pin Bracelets 10 Nov 07:46
stoliv1975 favorited Safety Pin Bracelets 05 Sep 00:05
You Will Need
Creativemind posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, US
116 projects
Sure, I can post a how-to. I was planning to make another one anyway. Have that up ASAP!

Meghann :)
Liverpool, England, GB
1 project
Oh could you please post a how-to of this (If you wouldn't mind) it looks so awesome

Meghann :)
Liverpool, England, GB
1 project
Oh could you please post a how-to of this (If you wouldn't mind) it looks so awesome

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, US
116 projects
You just use a lot of the same size safety pins and add beads of your choice randomly or in a pattern. Once you got enough done to fit your wrist, use stretchy string to thread them together through the hole on the bottom of the pins and at the top. Tie and glue. I can post a how-to if that will help.

Roma, Queensland, AU
i like this idea, do u know how this was made?