Romantic Spring Dress Re Fashion

Romantic Spring Dress Re-Fashion

Posted by LunaFaery


I took an old too-big dress of my mothers and made it my own. Nice evening project!


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 Thread To Match
  • Fabric Scissors

Steps (6 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    This is a "house dress" style with buttons down the front. It was a too-big dress from my mother. She used to wear it alot but it doesn't fit her any more and I always loved the sheer rayon print. Very little shaping and seams made it ideal for a re-fashion.

  2. 2

    Pinch in at the shoulder and pin. I pulled it up at the shoulder until the waist of the dress was aligned with my waist. Pinch in at the waist or wherever you want it tighter, Pin this also.

  3. 3

    Lay out the dress flat as you can(iron if needed, I'm lazy). Use chalk to mark lines where your pins are. These are your guidelines to sew. Make them as even as possible(use your ruler or measuring tape) and symmetrical.
    Sew up the shoulders and sides.

  4. 4

    I cut the neckline lower, and hemmed the dress above the knee. Just finish your hem and neckline and you're done!

  5. 5

    From the back.

  6. 6

    MY neckline was sagging a little, so I threaded a blunt plastic needle with a slightly stretchy ribbon and threaded it through the edges of the neckline I sewed down, it ties in the front for a cute bow! It also happened to match perfectly. :) Enjoy...and don't just give away that old ugly dress!