Celebrate the 4th of July with Rocket Poppers!
A safe alternative to traditional fireworks, these rocket poppers will bring a smile to anyone's face!
What you will need:
• Empty Bathroom Tissue Rolls
• 8 1/2-By-11-Inch Patriotic Paper
• Cardstock
• Tape
• White Tissue Paper
• Colored Silk Cord
• Glue Stick
• Dum Dum Pops
• Saf-T-Pops
Measure the length of your bathroom tissue roll and trim your decorative paper to fit.
Wrap the paper around the roll and secure with a glue stick or clear adhesive tape.
Cut a half circle with a radius of three inches from cardstock. Take this fan shape and fold into a cone. This makes the rocket nose, which will then be attached to the rocket body by adding glue to the end of one side and inserting cone onto the body. Let this dry before working with the bottom.
Cut a disk an inch in diameter from the cardstock, and poke two small holes in the center (it will look like a button).
Fold your sheet of tissue paper in half and wrap the 6-8 inch cord around the center, and thread each end through the disk hole. (If you want more streamers, you can use four holes with two cords). The disc should be flush with the tissue paper.
Stuff half of the tissue paper into the tube, fill with candy, and stuff the other half under the candy.
Push the tissue paper and disc up until just inside the tube. The disc should fit very snug within the roll and the cords should hang off the bottom like streamers.
Kids can throw the rockets through the air and play with them before helping themselves to the candy inside.
Suzie added Rocket Candy Popper to Bonfire Nght Part 15 Oct 17:03
Sorrel M. favorited Rocket Candy Popper 21 Jun 14:35
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