
Simple Wire Rings with just one bead and jewelry wire.

Posted by Topaze D.



You Will Need (4 things)

  • Crimp Beads
  • Jewelry Wire
  • Bead(s)
  • Jewellery Pliers

Steps (1 step, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    First choose the bead you would like to have as the feature. I forgot to take pictures as i made these while watching a film, but it's so simple you won't need them.

    Then measure your finger with the wire. Allow a little extra for wrap arounds. Begin to loop round a few times. Think i did mine 4 times or something, then using a crimp bead clasp the initial end to one of your loops(if that makes sense) then begin twisting and wrapping the wire aroung. When you've got it looking ok but a bit sparse, thred on your bead. You can secure it by looping around close to it and passing the wire back through - i also mounted mine above the crimp bead. I didn't use another crimp bead to end it, i decided to end the wire within the bead to keep it secure.

    Then Jobs a good un, fannys your aunt etc. You have a jippy kitsch style ring. My friend has already asked me to make her one of these so may add more pics when i can be bothered.