Rice Sack Into Backpack

is it not the coolest bag you have laid your eyes on? well of course it is!

Posted by LastKoalaBear


well, i was walking down the street on a fine summer day and i looked to the ground only to find this spiffy rice sack. sadly, it was empty. but i decided to take it home anyways.

for a while i was keeping my spray paint in it but then it occurred to me that i should make it into a snazzy backpack! :D

you can make this with any sort of random bag/sack/pouch that you find in your house (or like me on the street) GET TO IT!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 1 Tweed Sack of some kind
  • any kind of Strapping
  • Velcro
  • scrap bit of Fabric
  • Sewing Machine OR hand sewing supplies

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    first, find yourself some kind of cool sack.
    (preferably use one you found instead of buying it. it's more eco friendly and then you have a story behind it!)

    MINE HAS AN ELEPHANT!! huzzah :B

  2. 2

    trim it up a bit and then sew on some straps. i used some strapping i found in my garage. (my grandpa bought it from in Mexico like 45 years ago...i loves it)

    you can also use rope or fabric. maybe even twine! that would be snazzy!

  3. 3

    sewing on of the strap....

  4. 4

    this is optional but i wanted a pocket in mine.
    so use the scrap fabric and cut a 7"x16" rectangle.
    then hem the edges and sew some velcro to it if you want.

    then put good-sides together and sew them up.

  5. 5

    pin the pocket to the inside of the bag. then sew it in. make sure you don't sew through both sides of the pocket or bag...just say'in

  6. 6

    now to prance and frolic with your new backpack!!! all your friends shall envy you and your spiffyness! muahahaa >:D