Cut Out + Keep

Reversible Bag

Based on Reversible Bag by verypurpleperson • Posted by Rollergirl

I had a lot of fun making this. I love these fabrics and was looking for something to do with them and this was perfect. I had a heck of a time pulling it right side out through the strap but other than that it was pretty easy. I'm giving it to my friend for her birthday.

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn1195 1278441961 Medium dscn1196 1278441359


I had a lot of fun making this. I love these fabrics and was looking for something to do with them and this was perfect. I had a heck of a time pulling it right side out through the strap but other than that it was pretty easy. I'm giving it to my friend for her birthday.
