Simple way to upcycle and revamp old shoes.
These Lotta from Stockholm shoes were already super cute--but I decided to add some extra oomph to them, in the form of chiffon ruffles. Now I look and feel like I've got cake on my feet. :)
This is a simple method that can be used on any boring pair of sandals that you want to upcycle. And it was really quick too!
Siobhanthomx favorited Revamped Ruffled Chiffon Shoes 24 Jun 08:32
Xfluffy_unitatoX favorited Revamped Ruffled Chiffon Shoes 21 Nov 04:27
Van published her project Revamped Ruffled Chiffon Shoes 20 Nov 06:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Watch the video tutorial! Or scroll down for step by step instructions.