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Reindeer Christmas Decoration

A quick easy christmas gift • Posted by Lauren S.

OK so its coming up to Christmas and I like a lot of you probably, don't have much money to spend on gifts. This reindeer Christmas tree ornament is cheap and easy to make and looks beautiful too! Sorry for the lack of photos i forget to take them as i go im so in the zone, ill try to explain as best i can

You will need

Project Budget


21 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium christmas reindeer tree decoration by hippyshakey d4fbbsr 1320612648


OK so its coming up to Christmas and I like a lot of you probably, don't have much money to spend on gifts. This reindeer Christmas tree ornament is cheap and easy to make and looks beautiful too! Sorry for the lack of photos i forget to take them as i go im so in the zone, ill try to explain as best i can


  1. Ok so first you want to take your brown clay and mould it into a flat, fat C shape. This is your body piece. Now make a flat egg shape in the size you want for your head (take a look at the finished pics for a clearer idea of shape)

  2. using the same clay take 3 small pieces and roll them into sausages and squish them flat. Take one of these and position it as the tail, i like to give it a bit of a curl for character. The other two fold in half to about halfway and stick to the sides of the head for ears

  3. now taking your green and white clay roll a long sausage of each colour and twist them loosely until you have a spiral. This will be the reindeers collar. Bend the spiral arount to create a circle and trim off any excess. Place under where you want your head to be and place the head on top

  4. The bow is optional but i think it adds a lot to the end result. Make a long sausage the same size as you did for the green and white and squish it flat. Use your knife to trim the edges straight. Cut out a section about 2 inches long and fold the ends to meet in the middle creating 2 loops.

  5. Using the rest of the squished clay cut two pieces the length you want the tails of the bow (play around until your happy) and cut out a little V shape. Attatch these to the bottom of the loops. Now grab the bell

  6. Press the bell in the middle of the loops so that it hides the join, make sure you leave the X of the bell facing out or it wont ring. Place the finished bow on the side of the reindeers collar

  7. Now for the fun bit - the antlers! I used wire because its what i had to hand but you could always use sparkley pipecleaners etc. Be creative! If your using wire cut 2 6 inch pieces and play around with the shape until your happy. Make sure to leave 2 tails about an inch long either side. Once you have your shape sorted twist these tails together to hold the shape and trim off any excess. Push the two antlers carefully into the head

  8. Add any final details in clay (like the spots i gave mine) and insert a loop of wire into the top of the reindeer's back for the ribbon later. Now bake your model according to the instructions on your pack. Mine was 30mins on 110C

  9. Small reindeer wip by hippyshakey d4fbk8u 1320614059

    Leave it to cool for about an hour. Now he needs a face. I like using acrylic paint but you can also glue on beads or use sharpies. Just be careful if you want to varnish it later on because some pens tend to run when in contact with varnish. For the face i use a toothpick and make 2 black circles for eyes, 2 brown for his nose and add a white spot to both eyes.

  10. Thread a ribbon through the loop and its done! all ready for your christmas tree.