Cut Out + Keep

Refining Drawings

Trace over it • Posted by Murdoch Books

Tracing paper is one of those hidden secrets no one tells you about when it comes to refining your work. Once you get an idea out on paper it’s still usually messy and very much in the process stage. Most times, I don’t do something amazing the first time at it, and it’s imperative that I keep reworking it and reworking it. Tracing paper, with its low opacity, allows me to keep refining on top of my original drawing, and my second drawing, and my third drawing, until it gets to a place that I’m happy with. Tracing paper is my parachute. It’s my bulletproof vest. It’s my cheat sheet. It allows me to get away with anything I want. Tracing paper is my best friend while I’m working, and I want you to make friends with it, too. Buy a roll or a pad (I prefer the rolls!) at any local art store or places like Target, Walmart, or Staples. Have fun, please!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Nice & Simple
Medium 110954 2f2015 09 11 101118 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.10.59 Medium 110954 2f2015 09 11 100753 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.07.32


Tracing paper is one of those hidden secrets no one tells you about when it comes to refining your work. Once you get an idea out on paper it’s still usually messy and very much in the process stage. Most times, I don’t do something amazing the first time at it, and it’s imperative that I keep reworking it and reworking it. Tracing paper, with its low opacity, allows me to keep refining on top of my original drawing, and my second drawing, and my third drawing, until it gets to a place that I’m happy with. Tracing paper is my parachute. It’s my bulletproof vest. It’s my cheat sheet. It allows me to get away with anything I want. Tracing paper is my best friend while I’m working, and I want you to make friends with it, too. Buy a roll or a pad (I prefer the rolls!) at any local art store or places like Target, Walmart, or Staples. Have fun, please!


  1. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 100900 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.08.40

    Draw your item on tracing paper by memory or by looking at a picture. Google it if you need to!

  2. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 100910 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.08.45

    Trace over your first sketch to make the draw- ing have more character.

  3. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 100929 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.09.13

    Keep tracing and refining your drawing!

  4. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 101006 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.09.53

    Start to add more detail to your drawing.

  5. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 101028 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.10.10

    And even more detail!

  6. Small 110954 2f2015 09 11 101049 screen%2bshot%2b2015 09 11%2bat%2b11.10.34

    Finish your drawing by filling or shadowing.