Cut Out + Keep

Red Scarf

broomsticklace-stitch • Posted by Riechan

My mum made me this lovely scarf using the Broomstick lace-stitch. It's a very long scarf and it's super duper warm ^^. More information: the hook she used was a size 6, the needle was size 25 (they were really big!) and the yarn is from MISTERO trends, colour 25, 53% wool and 47% acryl

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


10 h 00


Medium dsc03615 1270812773 Medium dsc03614 1270812766 Medium dsc03611 1270812702


My mum made me this lovely scarf using the Broomstick lace-stitch. It's a very long scarf and it's super duper warm ^^. More information: the hook she used was a size 6, the needle was size 25 (they were really big!) and the yarn is from MISTERO trends, colour 25, 53% wool and 47% acryl
