Cut Out + Keep

Red And Blue Pills Earrings

Cute pill earrings (: • Posted by Ittchelasse

2 cute pill earrings

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc05265 1299972854


2 cute pill earrings


  1. Small dsc05259 1299972541

    Take a random pill, open it and empty it

  2. Small dsc05260 1299972604

    paint each part of the pill with different nail polish.

  3. Small dsc05262 1299972649

    fill the large part and just 1/3 of the red one with white polymer clay.

  4. Small dsc05264 1299972715

    Close them and stick the studs with KolaLoka or UHU.

  5. Small dsc05263 1299972759

    DONE! (: