Making your own Recycled Beads
The beads that I've made
I like quite a few of those.
PERFECT for personalizing Kandi [for you P.L.U.R.ries out there].
I'd LOVE to see your versions of it! So just comment with a link to your versions
DISCLAIMER : the beads in the picture are all quite long, but the beads that I make now are shorter, kind of like AMber's. The ones in the pictures were the first that I made, so they are much worse looking than I make them now. I'll get pictures when I can, but I'm on VACATION now, lol. :D
Amanda P. added Recyle And Make Your Own Beads to Recyclables 17 Jun 22:28
Amanda P. added Recyle And Make Your Own Beads to Jewelry 17 Jun 22:27
Cindy D. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 11 Apr 13:47
Blondell K. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 11 Mar 20:21
Rachel B. added Recyle And Make Your Own Beads to DIY or Homemade Crafting Supplies 12 May 03:33
Rachel B. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 12 May 03:33
Deb E. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 07 May 05:47
Kathy C. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 14 Nov 04:08
Diana B. added Recyle And Make Your Own Beads to crafts 27 Sep 15:42
Susanne S. favorited Recyle And Make Your Own Beads 19 Sep 22:35
Step 1
You will need
1] Water bottle, or some kind of hard plastic that you can easily cut
2] a pair of cutting impliments [like scisors]
3] Needlenose Pliers, Tweezers, something like that [it'd be good to have an extra on hand]
4]Colours [if you want to make them colourful]
5]Heat gun, or if you are ghetto like me, a lighter :D
Step 2
Cut the bottom and tops off the water bottle [I use the the bottoms to put the made beads in, and the top as a little water jug, so that after I melt the plastic, I can dip it in the cold water, and it will harden faster and stronger]
Then you cut the water bottle, either horizontal, or vertical, depending on whether you want a thick bead, or an easier bead [because some waterbottles have those stratta like structures, if you cut those into the stips, it makes it easier to twist around the pliers].
Step 3
Next, you color the inside of the strip of plastic [or you can get a strip of paper that is shorter and smaller in width and turn it upside=down into the inside of the strip of plastic]
then grip the very end with your pliers [or the end and the paper>make sure they are lined up. and start twisting the pastic around the pliers.
Step 4
Keep hold of the wound plastic tightly and take the tweasers out, then grip the bead from the hole in the middle, and the top near where the plastic ends.
Step 5
Take the heat gun, and aim AWAY from anyone, and blast the plastic until the end has molded intself into the rest of the bead. [If you have an extra pair of pliers on hands, you can shape the drying plastic to make sure the holes are circular and stay open.
your best bestest bff olincave