Cut Out + Keep

Recycled Magazine Bracelets

Make colorful summer bracelets with recycled magazines • Posted by Mark Montano

Recycled magazines and cereal box cardboard make colorful summer bangles for practically nothing! Watch the short video tutorial here:

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 109359 2f2015 06 16 195542 square4 Medium 109359 2f2015 06 16 195547 square5mb


Recycled magazines and cereal box cardboard make colorful summer bangles for practically nothing! Watch the short video tutorial here:


  1. Small 109359 2f2015 06 16 201853 collageneedsmb

    Cereal box cardboard Ruler Scissors Americana Acrylics White glue Americana Triple Thick Gloss Magazine pages Paintbrush

  2. Small 109359 2f2015 06 16 201857 collage1mb

    Cut long strips of cardboard Wrap a strip around your hand to get your bracelet size Glue the cardboard into a bracelet and then glue on another strip *This will make it stronger Clip the cardboard together while it dries Cut magazine pages into 3" x 4" pieces

  3. Small 109359 2f2015 06 16 201901 collage2mb

    Roll the pages into tubes (starting at the corner) and then secure with glue *You will need about 60 per bracelet Cut the tubes the width of the bracelet Glue them side by side all the way around Paint the inside of the bracelet and let dry

  4. Small 109359 2f2015 06 16 201910 collage3mb

    Paint the tubes in different colors all the way around Dab another color on each edge Coat with Triple Thick Gloss and let dry *This will make them extra shiny and sturdy