A citrus kicker salad dressing for those who love to drench their salads!
A zingy, "cheesy", savory salad dressing.
Kimya J. favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 03 Feb 03:13
- Kate A. favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 09 Jan 05:29
Pimke added Raw Vegan Salad Dressing to Essen 01 Feb 10:36
Jessica H. added Raw Vegan Salad Dressing to vegan 24 Nov 15:44
heather r. added Raw Vegan Salad Dressing to Food Items to make 09 Sep 22:11
Toni F. favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 02 Sep 08:15
HylianWriter534 favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 30 Aug 02:06
CreativeGirl79 favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 26 Aug 04:34
KelliDroze added Raw Vegan Salad Dressing to Food 23 Aug 18:08
Zombie Babe favorited Raw Vegan Salad Dressing 23 Aug 05:19
You Will Need
Dried and Crushed
Dried and Crushed
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Juice of half of a
OR juice of one whole lime
Juice of one
OR juice of one Orange
Sunflower Seeds
A sliver of
A pinch of
Celery Seed
A dash of
Mustard Seeds
1 cup
or more of
Optional: Some dried
Chipotle Pepper
(for more kick!)
Step 1
Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Process for a little over a minute. The mixture should turn white/grey and be relatively creamy and uniform.
**If you want less of a citrusy kick in the mouth, use the alternative orange an lime combo in place of the lemon and lime combo.
But I'm telling you, you pucker-lovers will love the original flavor! -
Step 2
You can add more water if you like a waterier dressing. I like mine thick, so I left it =)