Random Felt Plushie!

A irregular shape made into a stuffed toy :P

Posted by TrAceY :)


This is a random irregular shape I have turned into a stuffed felt toy!
i just thought of a weird shape then made it :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Felt
  • Stuffing

Steps (11 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    These are the materials you'll be needing.

  2. 2

    Cut out 2 shapes that look like this. Or you can even cut out any other random shape you think of

  3. 3

    Carefully sew on 2 blacks eyes and a small little mouth with black thread

  4. 4

    Flip the 2 pieces of felt inside out and get ready to sew them together!

  5. 5

    Start from the side and sew to the otherside using a blanket stitch(most secure). Do NOT sew up the bottom of the shape.

  6. 6

    This is now what it should look like.

  7. 7

    now very slowly flip it out to the right way. careful about the spiky tip of the shape.

  8. 8

    Trim out a small oval to fit around the bottom of the shape.

  9. 9

    sew the bottom on using a blanket stitch again. put some stuffing in too.

  10. 10

    Put stuffing in carefully and don't over stuff it

  11. 11

    And here is the . . . finished random shape :P