Rainbow Glitter Pencils

Make your own stylish glitter pencils in any color you could want!

Posted by bunneahmunkeah


With these quick and easy steps, you too can have your own glitter pencils in any color you could possibly want. Have fun creating your personalized supplies.


You Will Need (7 things)

  • As many as you want! Pencils
  • Needle Nose Pliers
  • Mod Podge
  • As many colors as you want! Glitter
  • String or Thread
  • Tape
  • Old Paint brush

Steps (7 steps, 45 minutes)

  1. 1

    First step is to gather your pencils and removing the erasers with a needle nose pliers. This is easiest accomplished by gripping the metal eraser connector and twisting until it loosens.

  2. 2

    Once you have your eraser less pencils, gather up you glitter and Mod Podge.

    *Make sure to line your work area with paper as this process is about to get messy.

    **Make sure you have a place to hang the pencils ready to go. In a crunch a tripod or table edge can be used but make sure to warn any other occupants about where these hidden glitter bombs are located.

  3. 3

    Go ahead and wrap thread or string around the tops and tape it in place. I used packing tape but any decent tape should work. You will be hanging these pencils while they dry to get a uniform look.

  4. 4

    Get out the glitter you plan on using and make sure its open and ready to go

    Hold the pencils by the taped section and paint on the Mod Podge with the old paintbrush.

    Sprinkle the glitter over the wet pencil, rotating the pencil to make sure all surfaces are covered.

  5. 5

    Hang your pencils as you complete glittering them, making sure they don't touch while drying.

  6. 6

    Once they are dry you'll want to try and knock off the excess glitter before using them or sealing them.

  7. 7

    And now you have glitter pencils made by you!

    Wasn't that fun!!!