Cut Out + Keep

Pyramid Star Box

nice stellar box • Posted by pavlov

I love origami and paper boxes and I admire those who are able to create them because, unfortunately, I'm totally unable...I'm not able to do either a paper boat or a paper airplane! This project, taken from an original that I found at home, is one of the few that I can do..hoping to learn soon to build new boxes.

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Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 01 1251770157 Medium 02 1251770306 Medium 03 1251770386 Medium 04 1251770539


I love origami and paper boxes and I admire those who are able to create them because, unfortunately, I'm totally unable...I'm not able to do either a paper boat or a paper airplane! This project, taken from an original that I found at home, is one of the few that I can do..hoping to learn soon to build new boxes.


  1. Small 0 1251771792

    Download this graphic: Can be printed or traced on a paper from the PC screen. I did it measured about 8.3 inches wide and 9 inches in height but may be smaller or larger..isn't important. Black areas are the sides to be cut. Red and pink are the parts to be fold.

  2. Small 1 1251772601

    With a pen draw the graphic on a cardboard and marks all the important points.

  3. Small 2 1251772733

    Cuts the outlines of the graphic and the four pieces of the base. Creates holes that will serve to close the pyramid

  4. Small 3 1251773047

    Bend the pink lines (shorter ones) to the outside bend of the chart and the red lines (longer ones) to the inside

  5. Small 4 1251773224

    Join the two outer sides of the chart with glue and close the pyramid. To keep it together I used a cute scotch to give a nice and "stellar" effect.

  6. Small 5 1251773789

    Order indicated by the numbers, put the pieces of the base and close the bottom of the pyramid.

  7. Small 6 1251774083

    Join the bent parts to form a star and close the top of the pyramid with the strip of fabric