Purfect Circles In All Sizes!

Round n Round but could not be found

Posted by SuperCool and Really Trendy


Last week on the poka-doodles blog there was a tut showing you how to make the little green Christmas tree in the piccie!(Better than mine but not 2 bad 4 my first go)And I just wanted 2 make one!I wanted 2 make one to show to my Crafting Grannies that paper can be more than just flat!(I show them all kinds of stuff!)
So I printed out some paper and knew somewhere in my craft room I should have a compass (no not the kind that points you north!)But I looked all over....not once but twice! But nothing could point me in the right direction, so what could I do?Get the old grey matter working....overtime!(cos it was quite late!)
Make my own....


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Eyelet Punch I used my cropadile hole punch but you can use any
  • Strip Of Stiff Cardboard As long as you like/the longer the bigger circle you can make
  • 1 Drawing Pin To hold down your

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take a strip of cardboard and cut to the length you require your circle or circles 2 be.
    Mine was only about six inches in length but if you wanted you can go bigger!
    You can make a skirt 4 an xmas tree or one 4 yourself if that what you want!Cardboard length is your only limit!

  2. 2

    Get yourself a hole punch. I have a couple....but I use my crop-a-dile on all kinds of things!
    I bought this because I was wasting time and money when I made holes in stuff b4 (using a nail and hammer!and the kitchen floor was starting 2 look like the surface of the moon!Only if you bent down to look at it!Who looks at kitchen floors?only when you have 2 clean them and thats from mop hight!)

  3. 3

    The crop-a-dile also has a ruler on it so you can see how far apart your holes are!I did mine every half inch!No need 4 a ruler with this baby!I cost loads but there are a few thing I have in my crafty stuff that are worth paying that bit more 4!And this is one of them!

  4. 4

    And there you are!A home made compass!So simple!I only did the circles have way round to give you the general idea!And the paper is muddy, why?cos my cats love to help!Just look at my profile piccie there's cheeky for you!
    I don't know why I spent a good hour looking 4 one of those you buy from the shop!Plus they are so hard 2 use! (Well, I think so!my circles are never that good!And then I get 2 think about Micheal Angelo saying no-one can drawn a perfect circle!but I think he means by freehand!Well I hope he does!:o)