Cut Out + Keep

Punk Rock Prom Princess

For Fiona • Posted by susie

commission from my rockin cousin, who just couldn't go to prom in a swooshy gown like everyone else. Want to give a wee shout out to HerNameIsAlixx, It was seeing how awesome she looked and how happy she was in her steampunk prom dress that inspired me to offer to make Fiona's dress. And to Raven W. for making the skirt hitches I just had to try, even though mines are ribbon and no where near the skill level! The community of cut out and keep works people :)

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


6 h 00


Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002233 fi%2bdress Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002237 fi%2bdress%2b2 Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002243 10376269 780676568623431 6346665534651653823 n Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002247 10303804 780676548623433 7894064361215721514 n Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002253 sam 4882 Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002258 sam 4883 Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002305 sam 4880 Medium 102795 2f2014 06 24 002310 sam 4878


commission from my rockin cousin, who just couldn't go to prom in a swooshy gown like everyone else. Want to give a wee shout out to HerNameIsAlixx, It was seeing how awesome she looked and how happy she was in her steampunk prom dress that inspired me to offer to make Fiona's dress. And to Raven W. for making the skirt hitches I just had to try, even though mines are ribbon and no where near the skill level! The community of cut out and keep works people :)


  1. Skirt is the same method as my other pick up skirt. circle skirt with gathers. I made the hitches with ribbon looped through the ring on a suspender clip and sewn secure.

  2. bought the bodice top cheap of ebay, added a wee row of studs at the top. And bought the obi belt, though you could make yours easily

  3. for the harness freehanded two front, kind of sock shapes, and a back, kind of bridge shape from the leatherette and made the studded shoulder epilettes separately and stitched on later.