Cut Out + Keep

Pumpkin Pin Cushion

to keep all your pins handy! • Posted by Holly B.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 0001 edited 1 1204129461



  1. Cut out a circle of tracing paper the desired size for your pin cushion and pin to two pieces of fabric slightly larger than the circle.

  2. Sew the layers together using the circumference of the circle as a guide, leaving an inch gap. Unpin the circle and turn it inside out.

  3. Stuff cushion with wadding and sew the gap closed. Sew a single stitch in the centre of the cushion to create a dimple.

  4. Sew tight loops of cotton thread around the cushion passing through the centre to create 6 segments (see photo).

  5. Sew buttons in the centre of each side of cushion to hide any untidy ends. Voila!