Pulpita The Primadonna Octopus

She can talk on her iPhone 5, pet her catfish, put on lipstick, wave at her friends and shop at the same time!

Posted by River J.


I remembered a colorful character in one of a dozen sketchbooks of cartoons I drew when I was 15 or 16 years old. It was rendered by school pencil, colored from a very used pack of 24 Laurentian pencil crayons and outlined in a thin black marker the last of the three steps and my favorite as it made the characters pop out of the paper and come to life. This may not be understood by those who grew up with computers and the digital graphic world. Anyway for some reason (that will become apparent upon completion of this current project I hope)it formed itself in my head into a 3D project becoming an idea that delightfully insisted on manifestation or should I say "womanifestaion". I had been longing to get back into my art so this Lady of an Idea became a motivational angel.
I sketched another 2D drawing of what I did originally but changed this character into an octopus not sure if my memory that this was ultimately what I was going to do back then is actually me placing a new memory in with the old. Later I actually found in my archives that cartoon character I originally did 30 years ago. Yes THIRTY YEARS AGO. lol. It wasn't an octopus as I said but she was a big headed very grand dame that still resembles the current drawing. But I digress: I started gathering materials to create "Pulpita".
I had grabbed abandoned electrical wire, a green roll from a friend’s apartment building that had just been re wired. He showed me the new electrical room while complaining the electricians left a mess of leftover supplies which I helped clean by taking this stuff. I knew when I was playing around with the rubber covered wire how great it would be in forming Pulpita’s “bones”. This occurred a while back as I said she was determined to be born.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 roll of green electrical Wire about several feet
  • 1 empty Odwalla Plastic Container
  • 1 Wire Cutters
  • 1 roll Duct Tape (I happened to have red)