Pretty Little Zip Lock Bag...

Reusable Pretty Zip Lock bag

Posted by KaNN-Can FostERNS


So there was a zip lock bag project on this site that inspired me to think of this. The other project didn't use real zip lock bags. I decided that a reusable sandwich bag would be cute and inspire me to re-use it all the time. well see.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Sewing Machine
  • Ziplock Bag
  • Left Over Fabric
  • Pin(s) or an iron
  • Sharpie if needed

Steps (10 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    This is what it looks like all done. You can put your lunch in it, kids snacks when your on the go and even ice if someone has a boo-boo.

    Here we go this is what we did:

  2. 2

    We used zip lock bags from target (about $2.00) scissors,left over fabric, a sharpie, sewing machine, and pins.
    My daughter used an iron instead of pins, either or....

  3. 3

    Cut the bag long-wise on both sides

  4. 4

    Cut the fabric the same size, about 1/2 inches bigger than the bag.

  5. 5

    or iron the edges to the bag.

  6. 6

    Pin both sides right above the ridged lines so that it zip's together later.

  7. 7

    sew the plastic bag and the fabric (inside of fabric) together.

  8. 8

    Turn it right side out. Zip together.

  9. 9

    Tada! Your done now. Put your stuff in it. Then zip it, throw it in the fridge, take it to school what ever floats your boat.
    ...You can even put ice in it for when someone has a boo-boo, the water wont ever leak.Cool!!!

  10. 10

    Cute huh?