Hand-stitched using old postcards
This is modelled on a notebook that my friend made me (the one with the dancing women on the front). Its made from 6 individual pads of paper stitched together between postcard covers.
C.J. M. added Postcard Notebooks to Paper 19 May 13:17
C.J. M. favorited Postcard Notebooks 19 May 13:16
Tashianna L. added Postcard Notebooks to Junk journaling/collaging/ mixed media art 20 Feb 23:02
Rachel B. added Postcard Notebooks to DIY and Crochet Accessories 10 May 00:33
Alice favorited Postcard Notebooks 22 Apr 18:18
gettothepoint added Postcard Notebooks to CRAFT ideas 13 Mar 19:01
Heather H. favorited Postcard Notebooks 26 May 01:05
Alex B. favorited Postcard Notebooks 12 Dec 07:53
bemeself favorited Postcard Notebooks 24 Aug 22:04
piefacetoldmeso favorited Postcard Notebooks 08 Feb 20:57
Step 2
Thread your needle and knot the end.
Step 4
Put the first pad and the front cover together. Pull the needle through the bottom hole of the pad so that the knot sits inside the pad.
Step 8
When you are at this point, your thread should be coming out of the inside of the paper. Tuck the needle under the thread and pull through the hole. Line up the next pad and attatch in the same way as in the previous steps, expect instead of making holes in the cover attach the 2 pads of paper by tucking the thread under the previous stitch.