Pop Tab Bracelet

A cute, eco-friendly way to recycle old pop tabs and leftover ribbon. :D

Posted by Sarah :D


This is one way to recycle old pop and energy drink tabs and make a cute bracelet. It is super easy to create and wear. Make one for a friend! :D I know that there is a cooler version out there where you lace cord through like 20 tabs, but this is a smaller version for when you only have a few tabs. Heres the link to a different version which is also very cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI5uZokM4jw


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Needle And Thread (Optional
  • Button Snaps Or Velcro (Optional)
  • Sharpies Markers (Optional)
  • 3cm x 12cm Ribbon
  • Pop Tabs

Steps (3 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Make sure all pop tabs are clean. Decide if you are going to tie the bracelet on or sew button snaps or velcro on to fasten it, and cut ribbon accordingly. I tied mine on and the length was 12cm. If you have no colored pop tabs, use colored sharpies to color them and let them dry.

  2. 2

    Thread 5 or 6 poptabs onto the bracelet. If your ribbon is to wide, fold it in half. Tie it to your wrist and your done or...

  3. 3

    Sew button snaps or velcro on the ends and put on wrist. Tah-dah! Your done! :D