Cut Out + Keep

Pom Pom Heart Wall Art

use all your extra yarn to create some easy wall art • Posted by Anne Wattlebird

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium pom8



  1. Small pom1

    To start this project, you're going to need to make a lot of pom-poms. a lot. I'm not good at explaining this process, so you can watch this video ( to learn how to make them.

  2. Small pom7

    When all is said and done, you'll need 12 pink (or whatever color you choose for the heart) pom poms and 27 gray (or whatever color you choose for the outside) pom poms. The rows should go like this: (g=gray, p=pink, obviously) row 1: gggggg row 2: gpgpg row 3: gppppg row 4: gpppg row 5: ggppgg row 6: ggpgg row 7: gggggg

  3. Small pom4

    Once you have them all lined up, you need to tie all the pom poms together. I tied each row together first, then tied the rows together. You'll notice that the rows rotate between having 5 and 6 pom poms each, so the knots should kind of make a diagonal or diamond pattern when you tie all the pom poms together.

  4. Small pom6

    The top row should then be tied to the knitting needle as shown. Cut off all the excess yarn. Then take another string of yarn and tie it to each side of the knitting needle so there is something to hang the piece from.