Cut Out + Keep

Pom Pom Bookmarks

Caution, these cute little pom poms are simply addicting! • Posted by Motte

I didn't notice I have a problem until my sister pointed out the increased number of times I had to vacuum in order to remove all the fluff that had been piling up in the corners. Make these little bookmarks in any size or color. They are perfect to mark all of your favorite chapters; the grim beginning, the joyous middle bit, the love affairs, the betrayal, the bitter end.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 25


Nice & Simple
Medium 111127 2f2015 09 19 191005 dsc 0146


I didn't notice I have a problem until my sister pointed out the increased number of times I had to vacuum in order to remove all the fluff that had been piling up in the corners. Make these little bookmarks in any size or color. They are perfect to mark all of your favorite chapters; the grim beginning, the joyous middle bit, the love affairs, the betrayal, the bitter end.


  1. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 185818  05%2b %2bkopie

    To get started, cut and thread a piece of yarn through the middle tine of a fork.

  2. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 185851  05%2b %2bkopie%2b 282 29

    Then, start wrapping the yarn around the tines of the fork.

  3. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 185920  06%2b %2bkopie

    Wrap the yarn around somewhere between 50-90 times. Cut the yarn from the ball.

  4. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 185933  06%2b %2bkopie%2b 282 29

    Using the piece of yarn previously placed inbetween the tines, tie a tight, double knot around the wrapped yarn so that it is bunched together.

  5. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 185950 07

    Slide the looped yarn off of the fork and cut the loops on either side.

  6. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 190002 08

    Trim the pom pom to give it a more circular shape.

  7. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 190041 dsc 0171

    Using the two strands of yarn previously wrapped around the bunch, tie a double knot around the end of a paper clip and as close to the pom pom as possible. Cut off the ends close to the knot. Add a drop of glue for extra security.

  8. Small 111127 2f2015 09 19 190215 dsc 0163

    Happy bookmarking!