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Recycle Pokemon cards!
I loved EyelashWishes's Poketar project, but I noticed that it didn't have a How-To (I think she meant to post it as a project, not a How-To), so I made one for everyone who isn't sure how to make it. =]

I made the guitar for a wall decoration using my brother's tiny acoustic guitar from when he was younger. It's basically worthless and he didn't want it anymore so I took it.

It's quite difficult to assign a time for this project, because I did it over a period of 3 months, due to the fact that you have to let each thing dry before proceeding, but the amount of time worked on it (excluding waiting) isn't very long.

Posted by JossieAyame from Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa • Published See JossieAyame's 149 projects »

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 1
    Step 1

    Get your Pokemon cards and pack them on the top of the guitar to give you a basic idea of how to glue them so they fit nicely.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 2
    Step 2

    Remove the strings and clean the guitar with spirits so that the cards can stick everywhere.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 3
    Step 3

    Make sure that the orientation of the guitar is right if you want to use it for playing. Mine is glued as if it is a left-handed guitar simply because I think it looks better like that on the wall. Start gluing the cards onto the guitar. I started in a spot where I could easily stick the cards without needing to cut them and knew exactly how they needed to be stuck.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 4
    Step 4

    Eventually you'll get to the part where you will have to cut the cards smaller. Apologise to your Pokemon cards and hope they will forgive you for what you are about to do to them..

    Place the card in the exact spot where it must be stuck, and fold it along the edge where it must be cut. Then cut along the line so that it fits perfectly and glue it into place. Keep the parts you cut off! You will need some of them

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 5
    Step 5

    Continue gluing the cards on the top of the guitar. Fill the gaps with the pieces you cut off from other parts.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 6
    Step 6

    When you're done it should look something like this.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 7
    Step 7

    Now comes the difficult part... Tilt the guitar on it's side, cut the cards to the right side and glue them on.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 8
    Step 8

    Get some big books to hold the cards in place so that they do not lift up while drying. This happened a few times with me where the cards curl up.

    You'll have to do these one at a time, leaving each one to dry completely before sticking the next one.

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 9
    Step 9

    Leave the guitar overnight to dry completely.

    Take the dry guitar outside and place it on some newspaper. Use spray varnish to add a glossy finish to the guitar.

    Put it somewhere out of reach for the time period needed for the varnish to cure (mine was a week).

  • How to make a guitar. Poketar - Step 10
    Step 10

    Restring the guitar if you want and you're done!

    I didn't restring mine because I just hung it on the wall =]

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KellBell · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US · 5 projects
I love this!
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
The guitar is for decorative purposes anyway so the sound isn't important =]
PienderZ · Delft, Zuid-Holland, NL · 20 projects
that can't be good for the sound.....
HarleyHeartless · Syracuse, New York, US · 2 projects
Holy hell that is neat. I think I am going to use the MANY fire energy cards I have and make a flame guitar. Thanks for the how-to

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