Poison Free Deodorant

Make your own deodorant that really works!

Posted by Sarah L.


Mainstream deodorants are all kinds of scary. They often include ingredients like formaldehyde, which is a suspected carcinogen; pthalates, which we now know can cause damage to the liver, kidney, lungs, and reproductive system; propelyne glycol, a petroleum derivative that causes kidney and liver damage, inhibits cell growth, damages cell membrane, and leads to rashes; talc, which is linked with infertility and a suspected carcinogen when inhaled; and aluminum, which is associated with nervous system damage and respiratory problems.

However, when I decided to ditch my Dove stick, I was stuck with a major problem: most all-natural deodorants don’t work! It’s no fun worrying that you smell like BO when you’re out on the town. So, when I experimented with making my own and it actually worked, I was pleasantly surprised. This isn’t an antiperspirant. It won’t stop you from sweating. But it will stop you from stinking. And best of all? It’s made from 100% natural ingredients that you could actually eat. Do something nice for your body, and give this recipe a try!


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 4 tbsp Cocoa Butter
  • 3 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 cup aluminum-free Baking Soda
  • 1 cup Corn Starch
  • 1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
  • 5 drop Essential Oil

Steps (5 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Put your cocoa butter and coconut oil in a bowl. Place that bowl on top of a smaller bowl full of hot/boiling water.

  2. 2

    Meanwhile, mix together your dry ingredients.

  3. 3

    Once your cocoa butter and coconut oil are melted, mix in dry ingredients in batches until fully combined. Add your Vitamin E and essential oils.

  4. 4

    Pour into a small jar and allow to set (you can speed this up by putting it in the fridge).

  5. 5

    Voila! Scoop out a pea sized amount at a time and rub ‘er in!