Cut Out + Keep

Playing Cards Purse

its a way to creatively recycle old playing cards • Posted by Riya K.

i was just wondering if i could do something with old playing cards and i came up with the playing cards purse and when it was complete it looked stylish *_*

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium photo1860 Medium photo1861


i was just wondering if i could do something with old playing cards and i came up with the playing cards purse and when it was complete it looked stylish *_*


  1. Small photo1514

    take two plastic sheets and cut A-4 size of it

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    as this and at this time you can attach buttons/zip/ well-crow with the outer flap

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    then stitch

  4. Small photo1855

    take some playing cards

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    and paste them on the sheets(i stapled them because they stay at position with that)

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    its a complete view of the purse

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    inner view