Cut Out + Keep

The Mighty Platypi!

Based on Plattie The Platypus by P • Posted by Pepper Toast

I had only sewed in the context of repairing rips and holes before finding this very simple pattern for a stuffed animal. Well my husband loves platypi so I made one. It was my first attempt so it was kinda eh. Next one...better. Third one was a tiny one so it's kinda bad too. The black one though is my final addition to the family of platypi...unless I decide to make a few cloth eggs. ^^ I only used stuffing, no little beads because I didn't have any. Also the first three are kinda eh because I accidentally used quilt bunting as stuffing...^^

You will need


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium l b48d20e84d8d4feaaf8e4dba365163ae Medium l 7c26995c1dea42be86b93d260bd13471 Medium l 30352cfe74fd4e6893321a06350d492a Medium l ac6940d6af234428b06fd9acc516eb11 Medium l a4a8b86fae444581a257a91f819b4b83


I had only sewed in the context of repairing rips and holes before finding this very simple pattern for a stuffed animal. Well my husband loves platypi so I made one. It was my first attempt so it was kinda eh. Next one...better. Third one was a tiny one so it's kinda bad too. The black one though is my final addition to the family of platypi...unless I decide to make a few cloth eggs. ^^ I only used stuffing, no little beads because I didn't have any. Also the first three are kinda eh because I accidentally used quilt bunting as stuffing...^^
