Cut Out + Keep

Pink Lolita Choker

Cute lolita lace choker that can be made in any color! • Posted by Darkeve6

This project was inspired by a similar choker I saw online, but cannot recall where. The tear drop shaped beads are quite pink in reality, but in the pictures seem a bit orange. It's hard to see, but I added rhinestones spaced evenly around the whole choker.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Medium lolichoker1 1294180300 Medium lolichoker2 1294180340


This project was inspired by a similar choker I saw online, but cannot recall where. The tear drop shaped beads are quite pink in reality, but in the pictures seem a bit orange. It's hard to see, but I added rhinestones spaced evenly around the whole choker.
