Cut Out + Keep

Pikachu Hat

Kawaii! • Posted by Brie W.

I made this using a pattern that I have almost memorized now, but can't seem to find for the life of me. I think I found it on a website that I cannot remember the name of. It was just a plain crochet hat pattern so I had to make up my own pattern for the eyes, mouth, cheeks, and ears. Feel free to ask me any questions!

You will need

Project Budget


6 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium picture 20004 1  1305920221


I made this using a pattern that I have almost memorized now, but can't seem to find for the life of me. I think I found it on a website that I cannot remember the name of. It was just a plain crochet hat pattern so I had to make up my own pattern for the eyes, mouth, cheeks, and ears. Feel free to ask me any questions!
