Pigtail Hat

Knitted Pigtail Hat

Posted by Jen H.


I designed this hat because I like wearing my hair up in pigtails, but if I tried to wear a hat those days it gave me a headache from the pigtails being crushed against my head. It also didn't look nearly as cute. So, I designed a hat with two "pigtail ports" that I can just pull the pigtails through. It's also good for the days when I want to put my hair up and out of my way but have a headache which would be worsened by the tension of hair elastics; I just part my hair, brush it up, and pull it through the holes without any elastics. the hat restrains my hair, and no headaches!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 2 x Scarf
  • Red & Orange Yarn
  • Knitting Needles