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Piano Key Bangle Bracelet (And Other Jewelry)

Piano Key Bangle Bracelet and other jewelry made from fimo clay • Posted by Andrea

Piano Key Bangle Bracelet and other jewelry made from fimo clay ( a gift for Mary) I hadn't intended on making this a how to but accidently uploaded it as one so decided just to include the steps (hence no step by step photos)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 101 0137.jpg 1311044500 Medium 101 0135 1311044511 Medium 101 0143 1311044583 Medium 101 0162 1311044606 Medium 101 0166 1311044615


Piano Key Bangle Bracelet and other jewelry made from fimo clay ( a gift for Mary) I hadn't intended on making this a how to but accidently uploaded it as one so decided just to include the steps (hence no step by step photos)


  1. find a picture on line of piano keys or go from your memory.

  2. Measure your wrist. Take some clay I used 1/2 of the block(but it will depend on how thick you want it to be) Roll out the clay (to your wrist circumference) on a smooth surface with a rolling pin.

  3. Take a knife and cut straight edges to form a rectangle. Cut slightly into clay to make indentions for the white piano keys. For the black piano keys take black fimo clay roll it out to the thickness you want and cut even rectangles (their length should be slightly more than 1/2 the length of 1 white piano key)

  4. Press black keys over the white in sets of 2-3 skipping every other white key.If this is confusing refer to an online pic. of piano keys; you'll get a better idea. bake clay when cool,paint keys white and black and paint in lines with black paint... (this part is aggravating if your paint brush is not thin enough)b/c you'll have to keep re-painting mistakes.

  5. You're done. You could probably bake the white & black keys separetly then paint and glue the keys on to make it easier.