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Delightful and easy recipe - these didn't last long in our freezer!
Time includes freezing, so this really is a snappy project altogether that leaves tummies happy.

Posted by Margaux M. Published See Margaux M.'s 7 projects »
  • Step 1

    In your food processor, blend together the sandwich ingredients until it forms a nice dough. Spice liberally!

  • Step 2

    Line a loaf pan with baking paper so that there are flaps on top that you can grab. Sprinkle the pomegranate seeds evenly if using. If you don’t have the lush seeds on hand you can also use goji berries or cranberries, but this is totally optional!

  • Step 3

    Take half your sandwich dough and spread it evenly along the pan – don’t worry if your pomegranate seeds end up on top.

  • Step 4

    Blend your ice-cream until it becomes smooth like a soft serve (tip: don’t eat it all immediately). Spread on top of your brownie base and make sure it’s nice and even. If you want, paint a stripe of strawberry jam horizontally down the middle of your ice-cream. I love jam in my ice-cream! Place in the freezer to harden for an hour.

  • Step 5

    Take the loaf pan out of the freezer – place the rest of the brownie mixture on top evenly and return to the freezer.

  • Step 6

    After 1/2 an hour take out the brownie loaf by the tips of the baking paper and take the ice-cream sandwich out.

  • How to make an ice cream sandwich. Peppermint Ice Cream Sandwiches - Step 7
    Step 7

    Stuff an ice-cream stick up the ice-cream portion down the middle at intervals to ensure 6 sticks are in and place them on a baking tray using the same baking paper. Using the sticks as guidelines cut your ice-cream sandwiches into 6 pieces, and then put back into the freezer whilst you make the chocolate.

  • Step 8

    Melt your coconut oil (I was lazy so the microwave it is!) with the Cherry Vanilla in the microwave for approx 50 seconds until it is clear. Sift the cocoa/carob on top and mix until smooth.

  • How to make an ice cream sandwich. Peppermint Ice Cream Sandwiches - Step 9
    Step 9

    Take out your ice-cream on sticks and dunk the non-pomegranate side in chocolate, then sprinkle crushed pistachios on top before it hardens (which is rather quick!). If you didn’t use pomegranate seeds you’re welcome to dip the whole of your ice-cream in chocolate!

  • Step 10

    Place the ice-cream back into the freezer, non-chocolate side down, on a baking tray and let it firm up for 10 or so minutes. If you want to chow your ice-cream let it relax outside for 5 or so minutes so everything is a bit squishy (unless you like ‘crisp’ ice-cream), otherwise store it in the freezer in a tupperware.

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