Paper Mache Ichigo Hollow Mask

really simple and cheap paper mache mask of Ichigo's Hollow Mask (from the anime Bleach)

Posted by Zelfie



You Will Need (10 things)

  • Red and White Paint
  • Corrugated Cardboard
  • Glue and Water Mixture (2:1 - glue:water ratio)
  • 1 Sheet of Saran Wrap
  • 1 Cup(s) or Bowl
  • 1 Balloon
  • Lots of Newspaper
  • Paint Brush
  • a sturdy pair of Scissors
  • 1 broad-tipped Black Marker Pen(s)

Steps (8 steps, 360 minutes)

  1. 1

    Blow up a balloon to roughly the size of your head, or the head of the person you're making the mask for.

  2. 2

    Place the balloon in the cup or bowl to steady it, and cover the whole balloon with the sheet of saran wrap. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. It just makes it easier to remove the mask later on.

  3. 3

    Dip the newspaper strips in the glue+water mixture and layer it over the balloon in roughly the basic shape of the mask. Let it dry.

  4. 4

    Once the first layer is dry, use a pencil to draw out the shape of the eyes and the other designs (the two lines joining the corners of the eyes to the teeth and also roughly where the teeth would go). Cut out the eye holes using a pair of scissors (or any other cutting tool, but I prefer scissors as it is easier.)

  5. 5

    Cut out the two rows of teeth from corrugated cardboard (it's thicker), the tip should look like a faintly pointed nail. Dip the cardboard teeth in the glue+water mixture and, starting from the center of the mask, stick them in two rows of teeth. Add a layer of newspaper strips dipped in the glue+water mixture, using a paintbrush (or your fingers) to push the newspaper into the edges of the teeth, to make them stand out more.

  6. 6

    Add a couple more layers of newspaper strips dipped in glue+water mixture, drying between each layer. Once you feel that the mask is sufficiently thick and sturdy, leave it to dry completely.

  7. 7

    Once it is completely dry, paint the base coat of white paint over the whole mask. Paint another layer if it still shows the newspapers once it's dry. When it is completely covered in white and dry, use a pencil to draw out the designs of the mask - the three curved red claw-like pattern and the lines joining the corners of the eyes to the teeth. Paint the red in and once that's dry, use a broad-tipped black marker to outline the eyes and the teeth and to draw the two lines joining the eyes to the teeth.

  8. 8

    And voila! You've made a paper mache Ichigo Hollow mask!
    To wear it, just tape some string on the back of the mask and tie it around your head.