Paper Mache Box/Catchall

so easy, a quick project for a lazy afternoon!

Posted by wunderland


This is a simple box made from recycled cardboard. It is very simple to make, and afternoon to spare, between a nap and a good book. This is a great project for children as well. Make the box as big or small you want to. Mine is 1.25"x 3"x 4.25" approximately.


You Will Need (9 things)

  • Rag
  • Utility Knife & Self Healing Mat
  • 1 Recycled Kraft Lunch Bags
  • Cardboard
  • Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer , White Glue, Or Artist Gel Medium
  • Masking Tape
  • Water
  • Tissue Paper
  • Acrylic Paint In Burnt Sienna

Steps (4 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    cut the pieces for your box from cardboard. i used recycled board from a mini blind packaging.

  2. 2

    using masking tape, put together box to attach the sides and bottom. to make it more sturdy, you may cover the entire box with the tape.

  3. 3

    using either mod podge, acrylic gel medium (what i used), or simple white glue and water, decoupage pieces of the paper to the entire box.

    when using paper for paper mache projects, make sure you tear the paper, as opposed to cutting it with scissors. the raw edges will allow for a seamless coverage. press the wet paper to the surface and remove air bubbles.

    tear tissue paper and apply to create a design. let dry thoroughly.

    alternatively, you can let dry and use acrylic/craft paints to decorate.

  4. 4

    to add a bit of character to the box, and it does not look brand new, mix water and dark brown paint, and using a paintbrush or foam brush, dab all over the box. wipe excess using a rag.

    let dry. you may add a coat of clear medium to protect the box. enjoy!