Paper Flower

simple easy to make flower from an old book!

Posted by Bethany Joy


i found this tutorial online and wanted to try it out and make a magnet out of it. also, they're actually pretty easy and fun to make! here is the link to the main tutorial i based this off of (changed and added a few things). i have a few pictures of the steps below but some steps i found too difficult to clearly explain, so i am attaching the link :)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Tooth Pick
  • 5 Gold Paint
  • Crafting Or Hot Glue
  • Old Book Pages
  • Scissors

Steps (10 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    i didn't have a punch, so i just traced a pattern. i used the book pages from the Daddy Long Legs book i used to make my book purse.

  2. 2

    all you need is three of the same shape (i'm excited to experiment with using different shaped and sized flower patterns!)

  3. 3

    the book was published in the early 1900s so the pages were already a little yellowed, but i mixed some mod podge and a tiny bit of gold paint to make the pages have an even older effect

  4. 4

    then let them dry. i'm horrible at being patient and letting things fully dry. i've learned the hard way that it's important to let them fully dry or they can easily rip in the next few steps.

  5. 5

    these are the few steps i was having problems explaining. (though it's not difficult to do) look at the link :)

  6. 6

    then, just glue them together and let dry!

  7. 7

    i encourage everyone to try these out :) pretty easy craft with a pretty cool result :)

  8. 8

    i made another one later with a blue tint and a small blue jewel in the middle :)

  9. 9

    then i glued a magnet (i purchased a pack at a craft store) to the back using a hot glue gun. (for all other steps i've used basic white craft glue)

  10. 10

    on my fridge :)