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If you live in Florida, this will make sense...
Around my parents' house, and pretty much any house anywhere with palm trees, you can find palm debris everywhere- especially the empty seed pods. Once they dry out in the hot Florida sun, they are perfect canvases!

Posted by Emily from Naples, Florida, United States • Published See Emily 's 129 projects »

  • Step 1

    Pick your pods- they need to be pretty straight; curves can make it hard for you to hang them.

  • Step 2

    Paint your fish! Use any colors, make it a barracuda or a seahorse! You may think the shape is constricting to the type of fish you can paint, but it's not at all.

  • Step 3

    Spray the finished fish with clear gloss to protect it if you're hanging it outside.

  • Step 4

    Using hot glue, attach the craft broom handle to the end of the fish-pod. Then, wrap twine around the end to cover any seams and to make it look a little more craft-y.

  • Step 5

    Hang, and enjoy!

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Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
Hi i love it, but i live in holland so we have no palms, but i can use other tree things to make your project, Great idea, and great colours, thanks

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