An esay way to customize shoes
Here is a tutorial showing the process of shoe painting that I use.
I hope you like it and find it useful! n_n
I also put this on deviantart. I hope I have done everything correct in posting... C:
1. You don't have to paint white shoes, you can just give any colour shoes a few coats of white paint as a base before doing the rest.
2. You don't have to use acrylic - fabric paint or permanent markers should work as well, this is just one method.
Inspired by the likes of Bobsmade on deviantart
Lisa W. favorited Painting Shoes 12 May 22:31
Mythiko Ino favorited Painting Shoes 11 Jan 21:46
Megzy H. favorited Painting Shoes 08 Apr 00:09
emmabota73 favorited Painting Shoes 14 Dec 20:28
Buttercup favorited Painting Shoes 22 Aug 22:31
WearyWater favorited Painting Shoes 16 Jul 00:39
kadri.kiiker favorited Painting Shoes 31 May 10:17
Daryn S. added Painting Shoes to Ideas 27 Feb 03:38
Helemundo favorited Painting Shoes 16 Oct 16:49
jen-lynne favorited Painting Shoes 11 Aug 16:49
Step 1
Make a sketch of what you want to draw onto your shoes. You can always draw onto the shoes in pencil and then try to wash it off after you’ve gone over it with pen, but washing changes the way the materal feels and it can warp the canvas of the shoe if you put too much water (wrinkles on shoes are not good!). Make sure you’re using a waterproof marker because otherwise it will bleed when you paint over top.
For these shoes I took inspiration from a song by Scouting For Girls. It is a very nice song n_n
Step 2
Pen Tips
Test your pens on small, hard to see parts of the shoe and have other pens ready before you draw on the entire shoe. This is becase some pens tend to bleed while others don’t, you need to keep trying til you find the right kind.I use a Faber-Castell Multimark permanent marker, it’s waterproof.
(I don’t know how readily available these are in countries outside Germany, but I’m sure a sharpie will work just as well) -
Step 3
Drawing Tips
You can draw whatever you want, really, but these are just a few points I make a note of while painting my shoes.
1. Draw lots of shapes, the background will the part that is painted rather than the objects and if there aren’t enough objects, the shoe looks empty.
2. Not too many small spaces or complicated outlines, it’ll be hard to paint around.
3. Make the outlines around groups of objects - the lines along which paint will be applied - thicker so that you give yourself a little more room for error if you paint over the lines. -
Step 6
Well there’s not much to explain, just mix your paint on a pallet (or keep it as it is), and paint onto your shoe. I like to use a single colour and then just paint the background, everywhere I haven’t drawn something.
This is a stylisc choice and you may choose to use a mix of colours, painting more like you would a more normal art piece. -
Step 7
Once you’re done painting, wait for it to dry and then you want to finish the shoes. For this, you’ll need to fina a laquer that will work on material that bends, one that keeps them waterproof and that keep the paint from coming off. After that you can spry them with waterproof shoe spray, if you want.
CO + K User
i was listening to heartbeat by scouting for girls when i came across this-they're awesome!