Painted Pumpkin (Or Squash)

Get an early start on Halloween decorating!

Posted by live2create


It may be more than a month until Halloween but I can't wait to start getting ready!
So here is a fun idea I found online: painting pumpkins (or squash). This should last much longer than carving ..and maybe come Halloween I can carve it up?! :D


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Pumpkin
  • 1 White Acrylic Paint
  • 1 Black Acrylic Paint

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather the supplies and put down something to protect your work surface.

    I chose to try this with a squash since it was a little smaller, and only $0.69 at the grocery store! :P
    The paint came from the dollar store at $1.25 each.

  2. 2

    Start with your first colour.
    I started with white. It will be easier to correct any uneven lines when I go back in with black later.
    Since I am using acrylic paint from the dollar store the amount of pigment isn't great which means the white will need a few coats.
    Remember to let the paint dry between coats. :)

  3. 3

    Time for some black paint.
    Find a helper if you need one. My cat decided this looked like fun so he found himself a front row seat to catch the action :P

  4. 4

    I used a smaller brush to get in around the top and painted the stem white as well.

  5. 5

    All done! :)
    A coat of varnish or something may be good to really seal the paint and the squash (or pumpkin!).

    Happy Halloween :E