I painted my Microfiber couch to look like leather!
Here's how you can paint your couch to look like leather! I share my secret paint recipe that transforms regular paint into soft and stretchy faux leather.
Joani T. favorited Paint Your Old Couch To Look And Feel Like Leather! 25 Jan 09:54
Crafterella featured Paint Your Old Couch To Look And Feel Like Leather! 23 Jan 23:00
taylor t. favorited Paint Your Old Couch To Look And Feel Like Leather! 18 Jan 08:45
charlie a. favorited Paint Your Old Couch To Look And Feel Like Leather! 17 Jan 08:00
Lily O. published their project Paint Your Old Couch To Look And Feel Like Leather! 16 Jan 09:00
You Will Need
Step 3
So the secret behind getting your paint to resemble a leather look and feel is adding fabric softener. I added about 3 tablespoons of fabric softener to my paint. Stir the mixture for about 15 seconds and apply to your couch. ( I recommend to do a patch test before you try this on the whole couch also note: If you're using different brand paint or softener you might not get the same effect I did. )
Step 4
Here's the brand paint and softener I used. ( NOTE: This recipe changes the texture of your paint - It will turn your paint thicker and might even get a bit clumpy. Don't worry too much about it as long as it brushes onto the fabric smoothly it will dry soft. However if your paint rubberizes while your trying to brush it on you've either added to much softener or the area your working in is too hot)
Step 6
Once you have a solid color of paint on your couch you can add a rustic leather effect by rubbing a darker color in with a moist sponge. You can spray a bit of water to help blend it if needed. (I left my couch without a top coat however, I highly recommend adding a simple clear protector for better durability. They're sold at any hardware store. I've tried the valspar brand clear protector and loved it)