Cut Out + Keep

Pac Man Nails

Nom nom nom nom nom • Posted by Ariel B.

I sincerely apologize for these pictures. Sincerely.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium fa7a599d


I sincerely apologize for these pictures. Sincerely.


  1. Small pac man nails 1 1308288412

    Thumb-Pac-Man. All yellow!

  2. Small pac man nails 2 1308288429

    Draw these lines with black so you know where to fill.

  3. Small pac man nails 3 1308288468


  4. Small pac man nails 4 1308288512

    Index Finger- Blinky. All red!

  5. Small pac man nails 5 1308288552

    White for the eyes sorry for the pictures.

  6. Small pac man nails 6 1308288573

    Black for pupils, looking TOWARD Pac-Man!, ghost floating devices (I didn't want to say "legs"), and outline.

  7. Small pac man ghosts 1308289076

    Repeat steps 4-6 with coordinating base colors for the proper characters as follows: Middle finger- Pink, Pinky Ring finger- Light blue, Inky Pinky finger- Orange, Clyde

  8. Small fa7a599d

    WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP bwee-da-la-deedle!