Cut Out + Keep

Owl Cushions

Based on Owl Cushions by Cat Morley • Posted by Victorian Dreamer

This project took longer than expected because I modified the pattern, hadn't worked with silk before, and it was all done by hand. I need to replace the belt in my sewing machine... This would have gone much faster. Oh, and the most exciting part is that I had all of the scraps lying around already!

You will need


4 h 00


Medium dsc01618 1309881124 Medium dsc01605 1309881129 Medium dsc01606 1309881135 Medium dsc01607 1309881144


This project took longer than expected because I modified the pattern, hadn't worked with silk before, and it was all done by hand. I need to replace the belt in my sewing machine... This would have gone much faster. Oh, and the most exciting part is that I had all of the scraps lying around already!
