Operation Fill Ricebowl

with yummy meals

Posted by michelle G.


rice bowls, fast, easy and delish!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • boiled Rice
  • mixed Vegetables like onions, carrots and peas
  • stir fried Meat ie. fish, chicken, beef

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    1st bowl: Salmon bowl

    Thaw Salmon over night, or run under hot water.

    Place in pan, and some lemon pepper spice and a touch of soya. Stir as it cooks. [I like to cook with water, but you can use oil]

    While this is cooking, cook your rice.

    Once the Salmon is semi cooked, add in some veggies. [I always use onions, peas and carrots]

    And stir this until its cooked.

    When everything is ready;

    place rice in the bowl first.

    second place the veggies on top of the rice.

    Then place the salmon on top.

  2. 2

    sweet and sour pork bowl

    You need pork, ketchup, brown sugar, vinagar, pineapple chunks and soya sauce.

    1st. ---cook the rice &
    make the sauce.

    *in a sauce pan mix ketchup, brown sugar, soya and vingar.
    Stir until it boils. Let cool

    2nd. Fry that PORK! [cut pork into strips or cubes]

    3rd. When the pork is done put the sauce over it and let it simmer.

    4th. add the pineapple to the rice


    in the bowl place the pineapple/rice mix down first.

    lay the pork on top and pour some more sauce if you wish

  3. 3

    BEEF & Tomato Bowl

    You need; tomatoes, beef, brown sugar, ketchup and coke

    1st. make the sauce, cook rice.

    BBQ sauce
    brown sugar Place in sauce pan
    ketchup cook till boiling then
    coke let simmer.

    2nd. Fry up the beef in strips, then add the sauce.

    3rd. In another pan, place the tomatoes[wedges or slices] and cook.

    When everything is cooked, put rice in the bowl.

    Then place the tomatoes and beef on top.

  4. 4


    Fried egg, sausage, peppers.

    Fry up the egg and sausage[chopped in small peices], Chop the peppers.

    Mix the sausage and peppers in with the rice and add the fried egg on top.