Old School Bleached Shorts

Rock the style from early 90's

Posted by Scharminkeltje


REMEBMER -WEAR GLOVES! Or you'll end up with bloody red palms.Like I did.


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 1 x Sewing Machine
  • 1 x Water in the bathtub :)
  • Gel Bleach (Domestos works best)
  • 1 x Washing Machine
  • 1 x pair of Rubber Gloves
  • Pair of Jeans
  • Bath tub

Steps (6 steps, 45 minutes)

  1. 1

    Put your jeans in your bathtub straight and flat.

  2. 2

    Take the gel bleach and splash it on your jeans,making a 'tartan' pattern. Do i on front,wait 5 minutes,rinse well,turn around an repeat.

  3. 3

    Wait another 5 minutes,fill the bathtub with water so that jeans are completely wet and have around 3cm of water above them.

  4. 4

    Leave for about 10 minutes,change the water,then leave pants for another 5 minutes.

  5. 5

    Put the pants ALONE into washing machine and let them go through the hot cycle.

  6. 6

    Dry them,cut them into shorts and hem-voila!