Cut Out + Keep

Oil Blotting Sheets

KISS YOUR OILY FACE GOODBYE!!! • Posted by M.a.r.i.s.o.l.

IM BACK!!! I haven't posted in a while so i thought i'd as least share a tip i learned a few years back. My face just started getting oily a few years ago, before that i never paid much attention to those oil blotting sheets they sell at the drug store until i needed them, and once i did i started trying to find ways to keep from having to buy them because they can get a bit pricey. Times are tough and toilet seat covers are a cheaper alternative! It sounds a bit weird but trust me it works wonders. ENJOY!!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium hollywood 20oil 20blotting 20sheets 1268331309 Medium oil 1268331700 Medium paper toilet seat cover 1268331713


IM BACK!!! I haven't posted in a while so i thought i'd as least share a tip i learned a few years back. My face just started getting oily a few years ago, before that i never paid much attention to those oil blotting sheets they sell at the drug store until i needed them, and once i did i started trying to find ways to keep from having to buy them because they can get a bit pricey. Times are tough and toilet seat covers are a cheaper alternative! It sounds a bit weird but trust me it works wonders. ENJOY!!!


  1. Small alcohol 1268331397

    First you want to make sure your instruments are sanitized. Using a cotton swab & the rubbing alcohol clean your scissor blades.

  2. Small latex 1268331443

    After the scissors are clean put on your gloves and grab the toilet seat cover.(DO NOT TOUCH THE TOILET SEAT COVER WITHOUT GLOVES- YOU DONT WANT TO SPREAD THE OILS AND BACTERIA IN YOUR HANDS ONTO THE SEAT COVER)

  3. Small paper toilet seat cover 2 1268331451

    cut the toilet seat cover as best you can into pieces big enough to fit on a business card can obviously use a business card as a templete.

  4. Small aluminium business card holder 1 1268331516

    once you're done fill the business card holder with the sheets of cut up toilet seat covers and use as you would any other oil blotting sheets...REFILL AS NEEDED. =]